Sunday, February 22, 2009

For St. Susan

I was given a baby shower on Saturday. It was so nice! Normally there is a group of us that do showers together, but the lady who did mine would not accept any help. She did a luncheon and made everything from scratch. She served taco soup and made her own chips (I need that recipe; best I've ever had), she made two different kinds of pastries, homemade rolls with ham, a fruit tray and a veggie tray - neither one from Costco - and a blackberry, chocolate cheesecake for a prize. I ended up with the cheesecake too and it was better than any I've ever had. I'm sure I've left something off. Her husband was there and took pictures of all the guests so she could make these little cards with their faces on them and advice they had given me. Then she sent me home with most of the leftover food. She even brought the rolls to church today because they didn't make it in the food box she sent me home with! She also bought a shower gift besides. She is truly a saint. She is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. She is always doing things for other people and never asks for anything in return. Her husband works with Michael and he is the perfect match to her. The whole point of this post is that I would like to do something for her. A thank you card isn't going to cut it. I need some ideas, please. She has three kids at home 10-17 and one in college. She used to be a massage therapist but had to quit because it was too hard on her body. I honestly don't know a lot about her because she never draws attention to herself - always behind the scenes. I would like to do something spectacular for her. Any ideas?


Kristin said...

Wow! That's amazing! If I get any ideas I'll let you know.

Stacey said...

WOW! That is so nice, i will think on what to do for her and et back to you...amaizng lady. Very selfless!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Sounds like a fantastic shower. She sounds like a great friend, and someone who would do anything for anybody.
As of ideas, how about a trip to the spa, or a gift card for her and her husband to go to dinner and a movie. With three teenagers she probably could use a nice outing;) Let us know what you do.
Fun, Fun!!